
 CEPA Business Opportunities Development Alliance
CEPA 商 机 发 展 联 合 会
(a non-profit making organization)
把握CEPA商机 促进中港两地经济及投资交流


Alliance Objectives联合会的目的

a) to establish a non-profit making organization to benefit the public by fostering the business opportunities arising from Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) implementation;

b) to provide a platform for dialogue between Hong Kong Business Community and China;

c) to introduce and update the Members or the public for the investment environment in China;

d) to promote and assist the Members or the public to obtain the latest information and updated developments in CEPA;

e) to organize, co-organize or to promote activities or projects related to CEPA in order to assist the Hong Kong Business Community to capture business opportunities in China;

f) to levy and receive contributions, subscriptions or donations from its members or others for the purpose of carrying out any of its objects;

g) to do all or any of the acts matters and things authorized by this Memorandum either alone or in conjunction with any person or company or through any agent and in any place.
Wilson C. Kwok CA CPA CFPCM
CEPA Business Opportunities Development Alliance, President

Alliance Activities

  “CEPA BODA” Press Conference “CEPA商机发展联合会” 之发布会:
On 23 June 2004, “CEPA BODA” held its first press conference at the Hong Kong Productivity Center.
在2004年 6月23日“CEPA商机发展联合会”在HKPC 香港生产力促进局首次举办了发布会。

  “CEPA BODA” Inauguration Ceremony “CEPA商机发展联合会” 之成立典礼:
On 23 June 2004, “CEPA BODA” held its Inauguration Ceremony at the Hong Kong Productivity Center, marking the establishment of this new Alliance.
在2004年 6月23日 “CEPA商机发展联合会” 在HKPC 香港生产力促进局举办了“CEPA商机发展联合会” 之成立典礼纪念了这个新联合会的创立。


The Alliance along with Infinity China Consultants Ltd. organized the 香港品牌国内商机推介会 on 23 June 2004 at the HK Productivity Center. It allowed brand name companies as well as potential investors to have an overview of the requirements for investing in China. The information provided by Infinity China allowed investors to be better prepared for taking on future business opportunities in China.
在2004年 6月23日“CEPA商机发展联合会”联同商机无限(中国)顾问有限公司举办了香港品牌国内商机推介会。这个推介会让香港众多品牌商和已有强烈意向的投资者做了一个全方位的接触,为这些投资者作好在国内创商机的准备。

Alliance latest Projects and Developments

1. Property Development and Management 地产发展及管理
CEPA BODA will introduce and promote enterprises in China to the Hong Kong and global markets. The Alliance will be working with Hong Kong and European Corporate on some projects for property development and management in different Provinces in China. CEPA BODA will be bringing brands from Hong Kong and Europe into the Chinese market.
CEPA商机发展联合会不遗余力地为中、港外商企业设立咨询平台, 推广其业务到目标市场,CEPA商机发展联合会将会与香港及欧洲外资企业合作,为中国不同省市地产的项目引进香港及欧洲各类品牌。

2. Others 其他
  11.11.04 – 14.11.04
2004北京国际投资理财博览会 2004 Beijing International Investment and Financial Planning Expo and Forum (11- 14 Nov 2004)
  18.12.04 – 19.12.04
第五屇中国产业发展论坛 暨 首届国际投资及优质民营企业上市融资大会 - 广州
Forum of the Development of Chinese Industry ? The 1st International Investment Funding and listing Conference for Distinctive China POEs - Guangzhou
  29.01.05 – 05.02.2005
Chinese New Year Commodity International Expo, Inner Mongolia

3. Development发展
  计划在中国各大省市成立CEPA商机发展联合会分会,现已积极筹划以下地区之分会事宜。We are targeting to set up a Local District Association of CEPA Business Opportunities Development Alliance in some big Province of China. The following Provinces are in the progress:
  North Eastern Province东北省
  Shaanxi Province陕西
  Shandong Province山东

Alliance Achievements


  “The Shenzhen 2004 Financial EXPO - The First Culture Festival of Finance”2004首屇深圳金融文化节暨理财 – 竞技博览会:
The Alliance was invited by the Shenzhen Organizing Committee to co-ordinate a special zone, named “外资金融区”, in the “The Shenzhen 2004 Financial EXPO - The First Culture Festival of Finance” which was held in August 2004 at Shenzhen International Hi-Tech Exhibition Centre. This special exhibition zone provides a great opportunity for Hong Kong Enterprises to introduce and promote their Company's image and reputation in the Pearl Delta Region.
应深圳金融文化节应邀担任大会指定香港专责联络代表,此博览会于八月份在深圳高交会议展览中心举行, 负责“外资金融区”的所有洽谈及安排工作,提供外资企业籍博览会介绍及推广公司形象,为进驻国内市场的好机会

  “The TianJin – Hong Kong Economic & Investment Co-operation Center” “天津-香港经济及投资对接工作室 ” :
The TianJin Government has set up a “The TianJin – Hong Kong Economic & Investment Co-operation Center” in CEPA BODA office in Hong Kong. This Co-operation Center will facilitate the economic developments, financial investments and exchange of information between TianJin and Hong Kong.
香港CEPA商机发展联合会与天津市人民政府驻广州办事处成功地组织了“天津-香港经济及投资对接工作室 ”。该工作室的成立将会加速推动天津和香港两地之间的经济、投资和资讯的交流。

List of Patron

Mr. Eric K. C. Li

李家祥 先生

JP FHKSA CPA, Legislative Council, Hong Kong SAR




List of Honorary Advisors

Mr. Albert Chan

陈树坚 先生

President, The Society of Chinese Accountants & Auditors



香港华人会计师公会 , 会长


Mr. Albert Chan

陈家齐 先生

Managing Director, Great China Retail Consultant Ltd



综横商业顾问有限公司 , 董事总经理


Mr. Andy Ip

叶智辉 先生

China (Hong Kong) Franchise Association
中国(香港)特许经营协会 ,会长


CEPA Hong Kong Brand Development Alliance

    香港品牌发展联合会 ,主席


Dr. Chan Yan Chong


曾渊沧 博士


Associate Professor , Department of Management Sciences, City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大学管理科学系副敎授


Mr. Christopher Cheung, J.P.

张华峰 先生

Hong Kong Securities Professionals Association, Chairman





Mr. Derek Lam

林卓鸿 先生

President, Marketing Association of Chinese Mainland & Hong Kong SAR



中国内地及香港特别行政区市场专业联会 , 会长


Mr. Edmund Lau

刘健安 先生

Honorary Secretary General, Hong Kong Economic & Trade Association





Mr. Felix Chung

锺国斌 先生

Chairman, Hong Kong Apparel Society Ltd



香港制衣同业协进会 , 会长


Mr. Francis Chan


President, Hong Kong Association of Financial Advisors



香港财务顾问协会 , 会长


Mr. Gordon Chong

庄国荣 先生

President, The Hong Kong , Federation of Business Students



香港大专商学生联会 , 会长


Mr. Henry Wong

黄榭成 先生






Mr. Henry Wu




Mr. Jacob Lam

林清锦 先生

Chairman, Beijing Committee, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors



RICS 特许测量师学会 , 中国区北京分会主席


Mr. Ivan Ko

高广垣 先生

Chairman, China Housing Industry Association Hong Kong Chapter Limited



中华全国工商业联合会住宅产业商会香港分会有限公司 , 会长


Mr. Leo Lee

李志明 先生

Director, Corporate Planning, Securities and Futures Commission



证券及期货事务监察委员会 , 总监


Mr. Lee Siu Hei

李兆禧 先生

Guangdong Federation of Industry & Commerce, Consultant



广东省工商业联合会 , 顾问



Consultant, Guangdong General Chamber of Commerce



广东省总商会 , 顾问


Ms. Mary Cheung

张玛莉 小姐

Managing Director, Mary Cheung & Associates (International) Limited



张玛莉市场推广 ( 市场 ) 有限公司 , 执行董事


Mr. Patrick Yu

余健华 先生

Vice President, Hong Kong Independent Advertising Agents' Association



香港人广告协会 , 副会长


Dr. Raymond Tse

谢贤程 先生

Chairman, Hong Kong Institute of Real Estate



香港地产学会 , 会长


Mr. Simon Lam

林家亨 先生

President, The Hong Kong Institute of Financial Analysts and Professional

Commentators Limited



香港专业财经分析及评论家协会有限公司 , 会长


Mr. Thomas Lee

李镜波 先生

President (2002-2003), The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong




香港税务学会 , 会长 (2002-2003)



Mr. Henry Wong

黄榭成 先生





Mr. Henry Wu












剪彩 环球商机总经理叶智辉先生 会场